30 December 2005

Merry Christmas in Swedish!

"God Jul" everyone! And a Happy New Year too. The pic represents some traditional Swedish gingerbread shapes. :)


carla said...

Those look very good! I love ginger snaps:> Happy New year!

n. said...

I like these & your other drawings, too. I was surprised to note that our local mexican bakery sells gingerbread piggy-cookies called "marranos" (just another word for pig) and you don't think of Sweden and Mexico having a lot of foods in common. Or maybe they are molasses cookies and I am confused...

Linn Ahlbom said...

Thanks for the comments, and Happy New Year to all :) No you don't think that Sweden and Mexico have things in common! How strange! But, yes -- indeed these are gingerbread piggies (and hearts, trees, goats). We make quite thin, crispy gingerbread in Sweden, I wonder how thick the mexicans make their "marranos"?